The Workout
Strengthen (your core), Lengthen (your limits), tone (your body)

The science
Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers
Slow-twitch muscle fibers enable long-endurance feats. Our workout focuses on activating these slow-twitch fibers through slow-paced, fat burning movements that lead to long, lean muscle development.
Controlled Movements
Slower = harder! Slow and controlled movements have many benefits. They maximize the effort required for both directions of a movement (the push and the pull, the in and the out) by removing momentum from the equation. Slow movements also get you to muscle failure (a good thing) faster, leading to more defined muscle development and increased stamina. The slower you move, the better the reSuLTs!
Counter‐resistance with the Megaformer™ springs and weight of the carriage help to improve overall muscular strength.
The Vibe
Our no-fuss studios get you the quick and effective workout you’re looking for, so you can move on to the rest of your day (or night).

The Classes that will challenge you...and change you

SLT Essentials is the perfect class for anyone new (or new-ish) that is looking for a slower pace with more detailed descriptions. Get a machine overview and a clear understanding of the basics. Instructors pay extra attention to body positioning, movement and transitions, all while guiding you through a challenging workout!